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Red Worms
I got my shipment of Red Worms and I wanted to show you what you will get when you order. My plant buckets have red worms in them and I could have transferred some to my New composting bucket but I wanted to walk through the process also so I can show youÂ
Once you order you worms, it will take a few days for them to come in.
While you are waiting for you hard working composting worms - build your composting bucket. Drill holes in line with the handle and put a screen over the holes (Click here for images)
Once I have filled my composting bucket, I watered it everyday to start preparing the soil for the worms. [ I do have an advantage - after many years of doing a bucket garden, I have Worm Water and I used the Worm Water to 'start' the bacterial, mold, and fungi in the composting bucket. ]

My order came in a couple of days early and the FedEx box was in good shape. The shipping department at Uncle Jim's Worm Farm added some holes to the box for fresh air for the worms.Â
Nice Touch!

I opened the shipping box immediately.Â
Inside the FedEx box was the black bag with the worms. The bag allows air to flow into the worms. They also give you good instructions on how to install the worms into your garden.
There was no smell so the worms were is good shape.

Once I got home, I dug out a hole to put the worms and the peat moss. Then I watered my composting bucket again, to make sure the soil was moist for the worms.

After pouring the contents of the Uncle Jim's Worm Farm bag, I lightly watered the peat moss.

Once the peat moss took some water, I covered the worms with soil and lightly watered again.

Make sure to shake the bag out over your composting bucket. Three worms fell out of my bag. They didn't move for a while, I think they were air sick (LOL). With in a few minutes two of the worms dug down into the soil.

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